

Ok, yes... i do feel like a "tank"... however the topic of "tank" is referring to my little (LARGE) one! I've been having contractions here and there lately, so was checked and everything is a-ok. Cervix is still closed and the baby is healthy! This morning, i had an ultrasound and left SUPER excited. Reason? 1. As you can tell from the pictures, she has her daddy's lips! They are just huge, so pouty, and cute! This first picture and the one of her profile is exactly what Saia looks like.. especially when he sleeps! They are going to be twins, i cant wait!! 2. the ultrasound tech confirmed (and showed me) that she will infact be born with lots of hair. She pointed to some white area's on the screen while doing my scan and said see that? Thats all her hair! :) 3. She is a TANK! As of today, i am exactly 33 weeks, however she is measuring 36 weeks and 3 days. She's already over 5 lbs and expected to gain more weight of course in the next month and a half. I am SO excited to have a little chunk! I'll definatly be returning most of her "newborn" sized outfits this weekend and exchanging them for 3 months. The ultrasound tech said she'll probably be born close to 9 lbs. NINE! I did ask her to check for her "girl parts" to assure me that she's still a girl, no confusion. Well............... apparently because she's so squished inside of me, we were unable to see her girl parts. Sad day.. but i'll just keep thinking that first ultrasound was 100% accurate and she'll come out a girl. Saia still thinks for some reason that the baby will be a boy.. well, he wishes ;) I am so happy and excited to meet this little angel of ours! We have just about everything ready for her. Next post, i'll be sure to put up pictures of her little nursery thats coming along great. Thank you all for your love and support! We appreciate it!!

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