Have any of you (as if I have 727483930 readers haha) read the secret? Or perhaps watched the documentary? I hope you have. If not, I highly recommend it! So anyway I was watching The Steve Harvey show yesterday, and he was talking about it. I had watched the secret a few years back and talked with my mom about it as well. It's all about the law of attraction, which is REAL. Its basically explaining that "like attracts like" - for example, if you're positive, you'll attract positive. If you are a negative Nancy, you'll attract more negativity into your life. It's all about the way we are, and how we feel/think. So cute little Mr. Harvey was explaining to his audience and viewers a few of the principles explained in The Secret. "If you can see it, you can hold it in your hands", "ask, believe, receive", and a few others that have slipped my mind at the moment! Anyway, the first he basically explained that if you can see that new car, you can have it. So make a poster of the things you want, whether it be a new car, money, a goal weight, etc. THEN, ask for it. Ask, believe, receive. Isn't that what we are taught in the bible? The Lord says "..ask and ye shall receive.." It's so real and true.
So where am I going with all of this...? WELL a few years ago, back in the fall of 2009, I had made a poster or VISION BOARD as I called it. I drew pictures of things I wanted. I looked at it daily for a good month or two I'd say, then it eventually was tucked away. When saia and I were moving to Texas, I found it while packing and was truly floored. I had received EVERY.SINGLE.THING. No lie. Well ok everything except one... I wanted to be a smaller size and due to being pregnant, I wasn't that size haha... But honestly every other thing on that vision board had come to me, I had it! It was kind of creepy actually, but cool, just knowing the power I had to truly shape my life! Again ill say, the law of attraction is real.
So now? I'm making a new board! I'm going to focus on the positive and let these new things fall into my life. The Lord truly does work in mysterious ways, and I love it. I'm excited for 2013 and what it has to offer us.. Other than the obvious, a new baby. :)
So on a completely different note, I have Braxton hicks like CRAZY lately! I never noticed them with lyric but totally did with Luve. I'm hoping and praying my labor is just like it was with Luve, too! Incase you never read that post, I was basically dilated to an 8 before feeling ANY contractions, and only pushed for 16 minutes before he joined us in this world. It was AMAZING compared to my prior c section with lyric! It was some kind of miracle that I wanted and wished for, and received! Fingers crosses this time around :) I've only got a few weeks left and we can't hardly wait to meet our little guy.
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