

Just kidding, this Friday is no different than a Wednesday or any other day of the week! I just wanted to take a moment out of my busy schedule (of making our meal plan/grocery list for the week) to chat! And by chat I mean me chatting, to whoever you are, through my blog. Cool.

Ok so I'm currently feeling like June. No, not the month, but honey booboo's mom. (Confession, I love that show.) ANYWAY! If you don't know who she is, or I should say what she looks like, then google her now. I'll wait.

So yes, I feel like a vulumptuous whale.. I mean woman. I'm at that point in my pregnancy where I'm just too large to function! My Braxton hicks are a little out of control as well. I'm just no longer comfortable. If standing, I want to sit... But then when I sit, my pants are pushing on my stomach and this little fella goes WILD doing his karate routine, or so it seems. My ribs and pelvis bone get beat like the lakers lately. Baaaaaad. Hahah ;) (not a lakers fan). Anyway so that's me. Andie aka June. Sitting with my legs apart because pulling them in together just isn't even possible. I even get up off the couch like an extremely obese person, scooting towards the edge and rocking myself while pushing up to get off of it. THIS IS CRAZY. No I don't want this baby to come out early, but at the same time can you please stop growing? Well actually if just I could stop expanding in all areas, that'd be real great. Grow baby, grow.... Just don't drag me with you.

**counting down the days...... Until I can count down these pounds**

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