...or next week, or the 21st.
BUT WHAT IF ITS TODAY? Oh my. Imagine that! Am I ready to meet him? Is everything ready for him? Wellllllll no, not quite, but it could be! I've washed the car seat but need to put it back together, I've prepared his little pack & play bassinet but need to get some blankets in there for him. I need to buy some NB diapers, too, but those are all things Saia could do before we come home. I'm getting back in the excited phase :) so excited to see and meet him!
So Thursday I had an ultrasound. This kids head is measuring at 41 weeks. I'm sorry, WHAT..? Not cool. The rest of him was measuring a little over 38, so needless to say, if he goes full term he's gonna be a big boy! For the sake of my girl parts, I hope he comes sooner. I had the ultrasound tech check if he still has his boy parts or if by some miracle he was actually a she, and maybe the last ultrasound picked up the cord or a thumb between the babies legs. Well, he's definitely a boy and had absolutely no shame showing off his boy parts! Hopefully one day ill have another girl. At least one. My princess needs a sister. And I want them to be close friends. Sadly they'll be at least 5 yrs apart if my next is a girl. I'm waiting at least two years to have another! I need no kids in diapers before adding another! We shall see. That was my plan after Luve but obviously that didn't turn out as anticipated. :)
Anyway, Friday I had my actual drs appt. The dr went over the ultrasound results with me, confirming he would be a bigger baby, and said he needed to do the culture test or something. Basically that strep b check. I had it with lyric but didn't with Luve... So it's a toss up whether I will this time around or not. Well while he was down under he said he'd check if I was dilated, and I was shocked to hear that I was already 3cm! 1 day short of 37 weeks and already to a 3! My cervix is thinned and baby is pretty low, so labor is near! I know all pregnancies are different, but with lyric and Luve both, I was only 1 1/2 cm before going into labor. With lyric I was admitted to the hospital at about 4cm and was dying in pain. With Luve, my water broke (well, had a tear and was leaking slowly as well as gushed once - which I thought was all the water, until the dr broke it the rest of the way at the hospital and the floods were released!) and anyway, I was almost 6cm feeling NO pain or contractions at all. It was wonderful :) I'm hoping for the same this time around. So my dr told me Friday that he would not be on call this weekend, and if I went into labor he can't guarantee my vbac we have planned. So to say the least, I was lazy and didn't move much all weekend. I did not want to risk going into labor and having some woman dr tell me I had to have a c section because she wasn't comfortable delivering a vbac. That irritates me as it is. This is my second vbac, so I've already proven that my body can do it. Why do they even consider the second one a vbac? Maybe they should say vbavbac. Technically that's what it is. Whatever. Had I gone into labor I would have told the lady to move aside and my husband will catch the child lol. WOOOO GET READY SAIA! Just kidding. But truly I would refuse a csection UNLESS of course it was because something was going wrong with myself or the baby.
So anyway that's my story. Today ill be walking laps.... Around Walmart, eating spicy food and pineapple and bouncing on my yoga ball. I won't be surprised if I go into labor tonight. Oh also I've been waiting because saia has tomorrow off, so it'd just be easier to have he baby a day he's already off. Just less to worry about. I'd hate to go into labor while he's at work and have to try and contact him there to come home early etc. too much of a hassle! So cross your fingers and toes people of the Internet, and send me lots of good luck for a fast healthy and easy delivery.. Hopefully soon.
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